Changing Time
I still don’t know.
Wasn’t last weekend supposed to be a time change weekend?
First I thought it was supposed to be Saturday night so when we woke up, we’d have Sunday to adjust. Then I couldn’t fall asleep. I watched the ticking of the clock (my clocks don’t actually tick) until I fell into an exhausted sleep at 4:15 am. At 5 am, my really sweet and considerate brother called. No one was dead. No accidents. He just wanted to talk and the more he drinks the less he cares about time.
Then it didn’t happen, the time change.
I couldn’t figure out if Sparky was gas lighting me or if I really just had no idea what was going on. All the clocks were the same time and I figured, Sparky would not know to change the clock in my car, but then I couldn’t remember if I had changed the clock in my car because she has been in the shop continuously since spring. So I spent Sunday in a state of confusion that I still haven’t broken free of.
I love autumn in Germany. I know I said I liked something in Germany. Hard to believe. But I do. I love the changing of the seasons, especially saying goodbye to summer. I hate summer here. Summer is really only to be enjoyed at a beach house in Laguna. Ahh, the memories of a pampered youth. Autumn in Germany is just gorgeous. I’m amazed every day.
The changing of seasons is something that, living in SF, I never really noticed until I moved here. The constant movement of time, seasons marking that change and a new poignant awareness of the seasons of my life. Maybe it’s just my age.
If I were J, I’d say today is perfect bike riding weather. Since I have no intention of putting my ass on a bike seat, I will say its perfect convertible/cabrio weather. Gloves and a scarf and a nip in the air. It would be perfect if my car weren’t always in the shop.
I spent the last two weeks in Hamburg and Sparky has had the comp. Still a one comp household. He’s currently in Hamburg. I couldn’t bear another week in a hotel or making small talk with his office. They’re very nice people, but they’re his co-workers and I don’t think I can realistically talk about, well the stuff that pops into my head. I have to censor my thoughts since there isn’t a checkpoint between thought and speech.
I have a question for you. What is more boring than an overweight woman trying to lose weight? I have an answer for you. NOTHING! My day revolves around scales and gyms and how many carbs I’ve consumed as opposed to how much protein, around rote repetition and walking in the same spot for the same amount of time (thank god for the Scissor Sisters.). Bor-ring! I have a goal and I’m working very hard towards it. Unfortunately, part of the price is a rice cake life when I crave savory and spice.
Scrunchy the cat has stopped talking to me. He’s actually actively avoiding me right now. Apparently he doesn’t like the conversation or the attention. Kiska has been searching the house for Sparky, squeaking and searching. When she finally realizes that he’s not there, she curls up on his side of the bed and waits. She too, feels the emptiness when Sparky’s gone.
I’m going to do a little internet shopping to fill the void. (That should get him home fast!)
********Update: Go here to find out the correct dates for time changes.