Girls Weekend
What is it?
The Girls Weekend is a small low-key weekend for girls only.
Who can go?
Girls. Only. Expat or German, we don’t discriminate as long as you don’t mind the expats bashing your fatherland occasionally. Oh and Sparky, who plays our Butler for the weekend. Please refer to him as James. Extra credit for a British accent.
No kids (unless they are in utero) or husbands. I have nothing against either, but its called “The Girls Weekend” for a reason
What do you do?
Nothing. We don’t do more than move from room-to-room to eat, drink and talk. Lots of talking, lots and lots of talking. We don’t go sight seeing. We don’t really leave the house. .
When is it?
Well that depends. I’m shooting for March. One of those weekends that works for the women who want to go.
I’m offering a two-night stay for those brave enough to endure two day of doing nothing or for those traveling from a longer distance that want to make the most of the weekend. Last year everyone came in Saturday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon and for me it didn’t seem like long enough. However, I don’t have kids waiting/needing me and my husband was here so that might be different for you. The option is open.
Where is it?
My place in Boweltown. Boweltown is almost in the center of Germany, by Frankfurt (not Frankfurt-Hahn). I’ll e-mail you more specific information, but I’d rather not put that kind of stuff out here for the masses.
Why at your place?
Because I have a big place, no kids, a butler (Sparky), and I’ve offered. If you’d like to host it, please feel free!
Does it cost anything?
Just your train ticket and the hotel costs if you want to stay at the hotel-like place down the street. You are of course welcome to stay at my place. We have two inflatable queen size beds, one sofa, one chaise, part of a carpeted floor and a ton of hardwood floor.
Are you a serial killer or something of that nature?
No, but I’m not sure I’d be real honest about it if I was. I do come with references. Plenty of expats (and other people) know me in real life and I will give you all my real info so loved ones can come searching if need be. Also, I’m very happy to share my “how to avoid a serial killer” expertise.
Is it fun?
Well, that depends on your idea of fun. We eat a lot. I’ll make sangria and cosmos (plus loads of other good drinkie things) if you are into the drinking thing. I have plenty for the non-drinkie drinkers. And we do a LOT of talking. I’ve found that expat women, especially women who miss girlfriends and talking to people face-to-face have a lot to say. So again, we talk a lot. And to answer the question, I have loads of fun.
What do I wear?
Dude. It’s so low-key. I think last year Mausi and I didn’t change out of our yoga pants until it was time to go.
My husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/mother/father/preacher man is really worried about me staying with strangers. Any suggestions?
Yes. Down the street is a hotel-like establishment. Last year, Claire stayed there for exactly this reason. Sparky provides transportation to and fro, if needed. Will provide details if you e-mail me.
If I take a train, how do I get to your place?
Sparky can/will pick you up at the nearest train station. You are welcome to take a taxi, walk or fly if you prefer.
How will I know its Sparky and not some freak picking me up at the train station?
One, Sparky’s picture is ALL over this blog, you should be able to recognize him.
Two, this year he will be wearing a Lady Bug Apron for the Pick-up in case you don’t recognize his face.
Well, I’d love to go, but I have to run 6 miles every morning, can I do this there?
Of course. There are trails all over our backyard. We have a large backyard. We also have protected areas that are trail covered as well. Please do not expect me to join you.
Anything Else I Should Know?
I have two cats. One of them is really allergic-y to those who are allergic to cats. Mausi took some sort of wonder drug last year and seemed to be fine. Scrunchy and Kiska are scaredy cats and don’t usually come out when strangers are here. If you are afraid of cats, have no fear.
Any and all conversations are confidential unless otherwise noted at time of conversation. What happens in Boweltown on Girls Weekend, Stays in Boweltown on Girls Weekend, meaning you are free to talk about whatever you want without risk of Internet gossip reports unless of course it involves serial killers or ass. Obviously, my sangria recipe is included in this confidentiality agreement.
I have a filthy mouth so I will most definitely be using language inappropriate for children under 18. I think last year the topic of ass came up. If you are a bit on the Victorian side, just be forewarned. Please come, but don’t be afraid if they come up.
Let me know if you are coming and have food allergies so I don’t inadvertently kill you. I make mostly finger food and stuff that’s easy to prepare beforehand so I can spend as much time talking and as little time cooking. Last year it was nachos, quesadillas, and panninis for lunch/dinner. Pillsbury (pop in the oven) croissants and rolls and teas, coffee, and juice.sort of thing for breakfast.
Okay, ladies, I think I’ve covered it. Let me know if you have any other questions. If you’re interested, let me know what dates you’re available and we’ll take it from there.
I'm in for any weekend in March, except the wkd of the 24th/25th.
how about March 16,17,18? This seems to be free date for a few of us.
It's really good for me because my sister will be coming out and you all can meet one of the wonder twins!
Can you hear me pounding my head from here? I've been softening up my family to let me go to girls weekend this time for months now and March and April are out for me because my MIL is having knee surgery on March 2nd and by the time she recovers it'll be time for her to go to a spa on the Baltic Sea for two weeks. She's out for my B-sitter.
Shite! I'm getting ripped off again. I am so owed a trip to America to make up for this.
I love the image of a guy with a lady bug apron waiting to pick people up at the station :o)
Andrew (To Love, Honor, and Dismay)
Hey, leaving the husband and kids at home is NOT a problem. :-)
Looking forward to being waited on hand and foot.
Also trying to think of other bloggers who might like to attend...must make list.
well i'm not an expat...but my mother is german...would it be totally crazy for me to come to Germany for 2 days?? (from NY)
yeah, that'd be crazy...but i will still peek at the flights..just out of curiousity:)
Kim (crazy in NY)
sign me up. :-) weekend of the 17th is good. will the drinks be green for st. patty?
I'll have to see how I feel closer to the date, as right now I'm just exhausted all the time, but I have no commitments in March to conflict with coming. Is the hotel a place that would need to be booked much in advance? I have mild cat allergies, so I would try to stay there, but if that wasn't working I'd go to the hotel. And I'll be the sober one with the in utero baggage ;-)
This sounds like tons of fun - I'm seriously considering it!
Be sure to let us know what weekend you decide on... I'll see if I can swing it!
oh I wish I were an ex-pat or a ger-man
that is what I'd truly like to be
la la-la la-la la-la...
I could only dream of an overnight trip away from The Boy at this point. I really do wish I could attend though! Maybe next year???
bad news, i'm out. work calls me out of the deutschland tues through sat night of that week
This sounds like about the best idea I've heard of in a long time. I have no weekends free in March, but for sure I want to get in on this if it is a yearly tradition kind of thing. My e mail is if you are into informing people.
Susan, blogging from Bavaria
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