99 Things
- I was born with black hair
- My natural hair color now is light brown.
- I have green eyes
- I have Italian Hips
- I have three cats
- I once sang “My Favorite Things” in a school talent contest. I did not win.
- I don’t have a nickname.
- I’ve always wanted to be a spy, but I can’t keep a secret.
- I think stealing artwork is romantic.
- My first job was scooping ice cream.
- My second job was serving frozen yogurt
- I love ice cream and hate frozen yogurt
- I scare easily and frequently.
- I believe in the supernatural.
- I cannot watch scary movies without fast-forwarding, especially if they contain the supernatural.
- I screamed during “The Others”.
- When I laugh too hard, I pee my pants.
- I lick the bottom of cookies I give to people I don’t like.
- I am a terrible liar.
- I kiss my cat more than my husband
- A group of Japanese tourists photographed me falling down on Post Street.
- I have opened my front door for a stranger wearing nothing but S&M gear.
- I must eat chocolate everyday. Period.
- I like cat breath.
- My favorite city is San Francisco.
- My second favorite city is Berlin.
- I always wanted to be “Jesse’s Girl”
- There are pictures of my boobs on the internet that I did not take.
- I gave my aunt a cock ring and told her it was a bracelet
- I’m the oldest child.
- I read voraciously
- I’ve read Fountainhead
- I like to poke my husband in the ribs and watch him get irritated.
- I got tear gassed on my honeymoon in Paris.
- I fart when being chased.
- I fart when I fall.
- I love trampolines.
- I have an extraordinary sense of smell.
- I am legally blind without my glasses.
- When I meet someone I find sexy-attractive, I can’t speak
- I blush when I lie
- I never wanted to get married.
- I’m now happy I did.
- I have a crush on my husband - boring, but true.
- I have burned my nose smelling scented candles.
- I put laxatives in almost every meal I make for my brother, just for fun.
- I love a good practical joke
- I like to write in the dark.
- I can’t shower in the dark because that’s when serial killers strike.
- When I get out of a pool, I run fast so the sharks don’t bite my ankles.
- I’m vehemently pro-choice
- I always vote.
- I was a Young Republican at one time.
- I’m now a staunch Democrat
- I’ve been agoraphobic.
- My car ran into a woman in a wheelchair and pinned her on her TommyLift
- I was not in the car at the time.
- I believe that all women should go through a slut period before settling down.
- I believe in reincarnation
- I’m terrified of lightning, the underrated killer
- Before I moved to Germany, I loved lightning
- I make dead mother jokes
- My mom is dead
- I have 1 brother, 1 sister and 1 step-brother
- I have a step-mom, step-dad and a dad
- I’m an expensive date
- I’m a cheap drunk
- I love board games
- I like to play cards
- My brother and I had to cheat to beat our four-year-old sister at BS.
- I used to work for an investment bank.
- I volunteered to go to work at 5 am because I could leave at 2pm and not have to deal with co-workers for very long.
- I generally dislike people
- I’m a good driver
- I’m learning to speak German.
- I’ve been to the Folsom Street Fair
- I hate Disneyland
- I leave q-tips out for my cat to play with to annoy my husband
- I backed a boyfriend’s sports car into a pole and blamed it on “some fool in the parking lot.”
- I used to frequent dive bars because I liked the dirty seediness.
- I liked going home from dive bars because it made me appreciate what I had.
- I like the colors black, blue and green
- I recently started to love the color red.
- I can listen to Tori Amos 24/7 and never get tired of her.
- I love Air Supply’s greatest hits
- I hate musicians who “Made It” without suffering
- I believe in the local bookstore
- I feel guilty when I order on Amazon.
- I hate going to the gym
- I once found $80 cash on the floor in a crowded bar.
- I like roller coasters
- I love the beach
- I love San Franciscan Seafood
- I will dance for an El Faro Burrito
- I used to put make-up on my very unwilling little brother
- I’ve only seen Paris at night
- I once hit reply instead of forward on an e-mail with sexually deviant suggestions about a senior executive of our firm. The executive, not my co-worker, was the recipient.
- I fall frequently.
- My mom made me take ballet to help with my balance. It didn’t work.