I don't actually have a witty title because I am tired and blame Claire for the cocktails she made me drink
I just want to thank all the wonderful women that came to the Girlie Weekend. We all come from different places, live in different places and experience our lives differently. However, what seemed to be the common thread for the weekend is that we gave up what we knew for the possibility for something better and in doing so, we’ve missed the companionship that women offer.
The days and nights were full of conversation and laughter. They were filled with language, both verbal and nonverbal. They were filled with support and validation. Not in a hippie-dippy-look-at-our-vaginas type of way, but in a very no-nonsense, direct “we rock” sort of way. Seriously, we do rock. We are some mighty fine women.
The ghetto-blaster-in-the-sky was in full force, thanks the Jessica, B and Christina. I appreciated it. All of you. It might have been at my place, but you all helped with the hosting. Thank God, because again, I am no Martha Stewart and like gabbing far too much.
Sparky REALLY appreciated the clean-up crew this morning and I mean really. He’s talked about it all afternoon. Well, I assume he talked about it because it was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep shortly after making the last HBF drop off. The sound of his voice combined with the subject matter of household cleanliness is better than Ambien any day.
You guys made it a fabulous couple of days. Thanks.
Cast of Characters 2nd Annual Girlie Weekend
Chrisitna G.
Penny, not a blogger and has a wicked sense of humor
Christina W. - not a blogger but I wish she would.
I'm soooo ENVIOUS!! I'd have loved to have met all the women at your blorty (blogging party?), since I'm a regular reader of most all of them...
But alas, I was in YOUR neck of the woods -- the Bay Area!
Glad you all had a blast. Sigh!
Hunny, indeed it was a smash. Thanks again to you and Sparky for your gracious hospitality.
I think we all felt "at home" in the company of each other.
My butt is officially kicked...blog will be up and running soon. Appreciate all of your inspiration and confidence. Shine on!
And remember girls, ...what happens at girls weekend, stays at girls weekend!...
I . . . am . . . so . . . tired. But I am very glad that I am. It was a bit difficult coming back. And not only because of the upset stomach from the cocktails that Jen made me drink. I will post today or tomorrow but first work and then more sleep.
Thanks for everything, Jen. You're the best!
Yeah, it WAS kinda difficult coming back. Thank you both SO much for hosting this, Jen and Sparky. It was just what everyone needed and I think we all came away with a renewed sense of...oh, I don't know. You KNOW what I mean, though, right?
You guys are the BEST. :-)
Thanks for hosting! It was so wonderful meeting everyone and I had a lot of fun.
I`m officially jealous!
Once I was sick and I was coughing up blorties everywhere.
why didn't you just call it "balls"? :)
interesting stuff you have got here keep up the good work.kewl blog intresting like to be there for some times nice hospitality be in touch
regards Biby - Blog
I really enjoyed getting to meet everyone- and next time I'll leave the family at home so my time won't be divided.
Thanks so much for everything. Seriously. You're an amazing hostess and Sparky's an amazing butler!
Next time you're all invited to MY place! Hahahaha! And you gotta bring secrets... plenty of secrets!
Jen and Sparkles... you two are one fabulous couple!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had a great time! My least favorite part was leaving...especially when I got back to Frankfurt and found out the practice had been delayed and dinner wouldn't be until after 9, which meant I could not go anyway! Ah well... I needed to pick up The Boy anyway. So let me repeat-- Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Honestly, last weekend could have sucked bad. It was all of you who made it fabulous. I was so happy to be able to host at my place, but again, it was all you guys.
Carol: Next year we expect you to fly over. Say hello to my ocean for me.
Tink: You should have come on over. I would have loved to return the favor.
Lotion: those blorties, man, they get you every time.
Traveller One: Seriously, I am there. You could have a room specifically for girlie weekend. However, I think I spilled all my secrets. The well isn't very deep.
Jessica: I thought about it, but i was kinda too sober to want to put balls on the girlie thing. But you're right, i should have.
Claire: Dude, you were the one who wanted the bone.
Well, my "ball" piece is up and I wrote it while you were all sleeping. :-)
I promise next time to either drink less or throw up!
I'd give you all a warm thank you hug but I hope my blog piece touches you more.
Thank you for an amazing weekend. It gave me more than I ever could have imagined.
It was great to meet everyone on Friday. Boweltown will never be the same again (hopefully...)
Sorry I missed the wild night on Saturday; sounds like it was fun!
Jen, you make mean cosmos and sangria.
Hope to see some of you again in the not-too-distant future.
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