I'm Moving Because Blogger Currently Sucks Ass and I'm a Fairweather Blogger
I'm sick to death of blogger.
I'm moving to this place.
And as soon as I can figure it out, I'm moving to this place.
I would do it all in one swoop, but I'm a moron when it comes to my own site and sparky will not have time for weeks. I have no idea how to import from blogger to Wordpress without going to a Wordpress blog. and I have no idea what a PHP CURL is. I stopped perming my hair ages ago.
So please bear with me and any and all advice is welcome is not agressively sought after. Snuggles!
P.S. Its so nice to have a different template. the green of this site was starting to bug me. I just have to figure out how to get Gilbert over!
Wow, I like it. I may abandon ship myself. Was there an easy way to get your entire blog over? With the photos and everything?
Jen- I'm a wordpress nut, and what I can't figure out I can always ask Jim about. Let me know if you need any help with importing, skinning, custom header, escape goat herding... whatever.
You'll love wordpress. There are sooo many ways to customize it. Plus about a million plugins and widgets. Blogger blows (and not in a good way) in comparison.
What has been going wrong for you with Blogger, out of curiosity?
oooh it is getting tempting to follow suit. i'm still working with some ancient movable type software because i'm terrified of massive deletion and i have no friggen clue about this stuff. i'll be following your progress jen, looking for inspiration.
You sneaky you. You`ve been writing all over the place!
DrD: It was way easy to get the blooger to a wordpress blog. Trying to get it to my own domain is harder, but I'll figure it out.
B: I'll be sending questions to you like mad. You might regret that very nice offer!
Val: I have been trying since last autumn to remove that damn bikini from the goat. I can't get blogger to load the right one. I load my picts up with the blogger tool and the links always break. I have to use html stuff for line breaks and whatnot and trying to link people is just a pain in the patoot. however, it was mostly the broken picture links that drove me to move.
Tink: perhaps, but its the mystery that keeps you coming back right?
You say "Sucks Ass" like it's a bad thing???
Hello! Here is my new blog (still blogger, so still sucks!)
Andrea :)
We have recently launched a {designer handbag | designer watches | designer
jewellery } (choose one which is most appropriate) blog and we are looking
to spread the word and get in contact with similar websites to ours to
promote relevant blogs and websites.
Please email me at chriss714@gmail.com
Just a thought: http://www.linkexpats.com (social networking website for expatriates) might be interesting for you and your readers..
You might want to add it to your links page as well.
good luck
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